Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coming back from mystery illness

Since my last post I have suffered from a virus that has me wondering if I have any defence for the common cold. With over 20 personal training clients and a full service gym to run, not to mention four kids under 11 and coaching baseball. It has been a difficult time remaining positive about my conditioning. My family has been waiting for the old me to return and so have I for that matter.For some reason after four different antibiotics umong other medcines I have tried, I am unable to eliminate the plague from my body. Very frustrating!
In three weeks April 11th, I have signed up for " The Warrior Dash " a 3 mile obstacle course from hell and a good time for the well. Followed up with Dragondoor's inaugural Certified Indian Club Specialist CICS in Minneapolis. Overwhelming considering my circumstances. I have an appointment to find out what the heck is going on , meanwhile trying to do something in a minimum fashion as to not aggravate my symptoms. Just thought I should post again since it has been so long. Hard to post my workouts as they are a microcosym of what I am use to doing. I am going to begin with a progressive plan of attack come Monday and will post daily. I am resting until then.