Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some Z and prep movement to get started. Lt Knee is irritated today definately needing some rolling out and quality stretch. I am looking forward to the upcoming RKC II. This is going to be such an eye opener i don't even know.
Today it a Vo2 max day to get and pull up day split between 12 noon and 6 pm

Early routine: warmup some pumps, goodmornings and shoulder mobility

50 sets : 8/8, 15/15 16gk moderate intensity/ stretch

Late Routine: movement prep, Goblet Squats 5,5,5 / Hip Flexor stretch
Farmer Walks/ Swings / Tire Flips
Overhead Walk / Swing 1+1,/ sloshbar walk

10 minute TGU 20kg

Monday, June 15, 2009

RKC II prep

Going at a pace that i can manage with work and family schedule. My main goal of extending RKC status is primary, second weight loss down to 194 seems possible but with 9 pounds to go i am hopeful. Lastly, the RKC II would be icing on the cake. Can't put a pricetag on the experience. This week i am putting out an all-out effort to assess baseline. Thanks go to all of the posts on the RKC forum for the inspiration to keep the faith.
I will be on the VW path this week starting today, i'll let you know how it is going.