Friday, April 23, 2010

New energy from Indian Clubs

Got back Minnesota with renewed energy level and started a strength based program. I am implementing the clubs into my program before during and after sets great for recovery and rejuvenation while training. Hit the bench press seriously for the first time in about two years and it felt awkward doing that much volume. As always training hard requires the three d's and it will also take a goal which should help with the passion. I have a little over two years two prepare for the RKC II for the second time and with what i know from my first attempt in terms of what is to be expected, pure strength for sure is where it is really at.
Starting off with in my prep phase with two days a week with large muscle emphasis and three days a week with attention to the details of my smaller muscles.

Monday- April 19
Hypertrophy - 3x10 upper body & core
Tuesday- April 20
Bench press - Squat emphasis
Wednesday- April 21
Swings and getups - Pullup ladder and club swinging
Thursday -April 22
Snatch 16kg 15/15 x10 - Hypertrophy -4x6 UB

Will take off Friday and pick up on Saturday. Going over the workout itinerary for KB workshop Sunday April 25. Looking forward to the weekend that will also include Angels / Yankees with the family.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Back in action, feeling good and training. This weekend is "The Warrior Dash" 3 miles of obstacle course in the mud sweat and beer classic should provide some memories. Getting ready in a pinch after some 12 weeks of on and off conservative training schedule, will be interesting at the very least.
April 8, 2010
Joint mobility, ASLR, Brettzel, Armbar
TGU 16kg 3+3,2+2,1+1
400 meter run interval w/ 16kg snatch 15+15 x 10
felt strong at the end, wanted to have a feel for a total body workout simulation to the Warrior Dash would offer.

Sticking to mobility and core training routines has been keeping me alive and fairly in tune with my body. RKC program minimums have been the majority of my workout mixed in with a tester now and again, has resulted in a shock to my body and most generally an extra day of rest. Thankfully I am off to CICS next week to get the low down on Indian Clubs from the Master of IC Dr. Ed Thomas. This should again provide more restorative exercise patterns that will be perfect for what my body needs. I will be posting more often and training for strength after the return from Minneapolis. Move it or loose it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coming back from mystery illness

Since my last post I have suffered from a virus that has me wondering if I have any defence for the common cold. With over 20 personal training clients and a full service gym to run, not to mention four kids under 11 and coaching baseball. It has been a difficult time remaining positive about my conditioning. My family has been waiting for the old me to return and so have I for that matter.For some reason after four different antibiotics umong other medcines I have tried, I am unable to eliminate the plague from my body. Very frustrating!
In three weeks April 11th, I have signed up for " The Warrior Dash " a 3 mile obstacle course from hell and a good time for the well. Followed up with Dragondoor's inaugural Certified Indian Club Specialist CICS in Minneapolis. Overwhelming considering my circumstances. I have an appointment to find out what the heck is going on , meanwhile trying to do something in a minimum fashion as to not aggravate my symptoms. Just thought I should post again since it has been so long. Hard to post my workouts as they are a microcosym of what I am use to doing. I am going to begin with a progressive plan of attack come Monday and will post daily. I am resting until then.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Photo shoot on the beach- this was a great time and is located across the street from my gym. Just finished putting together a enclosed trailer and will be seting up classes and workshops around the beach cities community and all of So Cal. Look for more in the near future.
Last weeks tornado blew 95 mph winds through the nieghborhhod and sucked the 4x6 skylight off the roof and your truly had to batten it down with some old perform better kettlebells. At least I found something I could do with them as they were virtually useless to me. DD bells all the way! Nursing a cough and crud lung infection from that week. See ya for now.